What do Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Broadway, & Wheat Bundles have to do with each other?
I would have never guessed anything at all but we got a call two weeks ago when Equus the Broadway play was about to close. This controversial play starred Daniel Radcliffe better known as Harry Potter as a man that goes crazy about horses.
The directors and producers wanted to do something really special for this play set with horses and ranches so they called us with an idea to give wheat out instead of flowers at the plays closing night.
The Theater Company wanted us to send them some of our Dried Wheat Bundles tied with raffia. We loved the idea and thought it would be perfect to give it out to the entire cast with flowers after the plays final night.
There was just one problem. We had to get the wheat to them in one day. It was late on Friday and the play Equus was set to close that Sunday. We had to hurry and get the order information and rush the order through our shipping department.
We rushed the order and just made it before FedEx did their final pickup for the night and got the packages off to the play.
The final play was a success and the actors and fans loved the wheat bundles. Many people commented on forums and blogs about them. Here are the pictures we received back from the final curtain call as Curious Country Creations wheat is presented to the actors.
Hope you like it Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe).

Just heard that Dan Radcliffe (Harry Potter) has given up drinking. He has been sober for almost a year now. Way to go Dan.